Growth Stories

Following up with former program participants.

Meet Kirk Anders, founder of Austin Art Services

“[The program] turned the lights on for us, so we could finally see what we hadbeendoing wrong- and right!”

Q & A

Whatis Austin ArtServicesand whatdo youdo?

Austin Art Services (AAS) provides art installation, packing and logistics throughout Texas. Weprovide these services to homeowners, businesses, museums, galleries and otherinstitutions.Additionally,weprovidecustomdisplayandexhibitdesignandfabrication.

Whatwasyourbusinesssituationbeforejoining the program?

AASbeganandgreworganically-wesooncametoexperienceseriousgrowingpainsoncewe reached the limits of our business skills.Allofourpriortrainingandeducationwasinthecreativearts.Therewerebigholesinour grasp of business nuts-and-bolts. [The program] seemed a great resource for us: anexpedited small business education plus the opportunity to workshop a new businessmodelwas a dream.

When and why did you join the program? How was your business doing at the time?

A global view of the full business cycle was truly an eye-opener.Instead of just lettingbusinesshappentous,webecamemuchmoreengagedandproactiveinthecycle.The experience of hatching a new business model (from idea to execution) was trulyrevelatory.

Having a team of highly experienced and generous guides (with our success in mind) tolearn from was amazing. Without prior business education or experience- it was likediscovering anew land. Some of my key takeaways were to reachout, connect, resources- take risks and keepmoving.


Though our new business experiment ultimately “failed”, the experience takeaway andknowledge gained are immeasurable. Applying lessons learned and new ways ofthinkingto our existing company have led tocontinued success and growth!

Weareeternallygratefultohavehadthisopportunity-it was wellspringof energy and experience!

When and why did you join the program? How was your business doing at the time?

A global view of the full business cycle was truly an eye-opener.Instead of just lettingbusinesshappentous,webecamemuchmoreengagedandproactiveinthecycle.The experience of hatching a new business model (from idea to execution) was trulyrevelatory.

Having a team of highly experienced and generous guides (with our success in mind) tolearn from was amazing. Without prior business education or experience- it was likediscovering anew land. Some of my key takeaways were to reachout, connect, resources- take risks and keepmoving.