Grow your business
Enhance your capacity
Advance in concepts and techniques
Find contract opportunities with government agencies
The Readiness Training Program for HUBs is an innovative training program that enhances the competitiveness and capacity of minority and women- owned small businesses to bid on public sector contracts in the Austin region. The RTP for HUBs has a two-funnel (phase) design that addresses the needs of participating companies at various stages of their growth, as well as governments that rely extensively on minority/women owned small businesses to provide necessary services and products.
Funnel One is designed for minority and women-owned businesses that are either new or still small (start-ups or companies with under $500,000 in revenues. The emphasis of Funnel One is on government contracting and presents the necessary steps for a small business to register or be certified as a DBE/HUB/M/WBE, learn about contracting opportunities, and bid on and execute contracts with governments. Session presenters also share information, insights, advice, and best practices in accessing capital, identifying customers, and how a minority and women-owned business can present its capabilities to potential prime contractors and government agencies.
Funnel Two training is for more advanced minority-owned and women-owned enterprises and small businesses. Both Funnel One and Funnel Two are virtual (via Zoom) and free for participating small businesses.
Funnel One—Fall 2024
Applications for Funnel One are closed. Please check back for applications regarding Funnel Two.
Please read the FAQs for additional details.
Note: Presenter Confirmations are Pending. Look for periodic updates.
All Sessions are Online.
Sessions are on Tuesdays from 4:15 to 5:45
Workshops are on Thursdays from 4:15 to 5:45
Session 1: October 29th
Welcoming Remarks, Recognition of Sponsors, Company Self-Introductions, Presentations of Local Government HUB/M/WBE/DBE Program Overviews and Bid Databases | Kaleo Lopez, Community Liaison, Travis County HUB Program, Travis County Purchasing Office; Carlos Balderas, Manager, Supplier Diversity and Civil Rights Compliance, Capital Metro Transportation Authority; Catherine Sak, Program Manager 1, Small and Minority Business Resources Department, City of Austin; Dinita Caldwell, Executive Director, Austin Independent School District Economic Opportunity Office
Session 2: November 12th
Communicating Your Capabilities, Value Propositions, Capability Statements, and Elevator Pitches | Cheryl A. Brown, Executive Director, North San Diego Small Business Development Center
Session 3: November 19th
Presentations by State and University HUB/DBE/SBE Program Overviews, Certification, Bid Databases | Mariah Thompson-Carter, Statewide HUB Program, Comptroller of Public Accounts; Theresa Williamson, HUB Director, Texas Department of Information Resources; Lauryn Ott, Civil Rights Division, Texas Department of Transportation; Gary D. Hampton Jr., The University of Texas at Austin; Yolanda Strey, Texas Facilities Commission
Session 4: December 3rd
Regional and Community Resources Available to Small Businesses | Shannon Black, SCORE Austin; Christina Mortel, Center for Women Entrepreneurs, Texas Woman’s University; Joe Harper, Texas State Small Business Development Center; Susannah Munro, APEX Accelerator, The University of Texas at San Antonio; Others to be confirmed.
Session 5: January 14th
Successful Contracting Panel and Graduation | Lisa Carter Powell, Texas Regional Manager, Hardesty & Hanover; Jessica Scanlon, Top Dog and CEO, HotDogMarketing; John Mora, President, Mesa Integrated Solutions; Kahlihah Guyah, CEO, EHS Compliance Services, Inc; Andy Smetana, Manager, PMCS Services; Hopeton Hay, Executive Director, Office of HUB Programs, University of Texas System
Workshop 1: November 21st
Practice Elevator Pitches and Feedback
Workshop 2: December 12th
Benefits of Certification—Certification Division, Small and Minority Business Resources
Department, City of Austin
Workshop 3: January 9th
Responding to Purchasing Solicitations and Preparing Your Proposals | Cheryl A. Brown, Executive Director, North San Diego Small Business Development Center
The following link provides all previous session information, participant information, presenters and video training: